Andreas Øverland Self Portrait

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Phone : +47 48222222

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Single person outside in available light

Price : NOK 3000 / €300

Includes approximately one hour outside, shooting using available light, in down town Oslo. Minimum of 5 digital full size files, depending on the different scenes and the availability of light.

Single person portrait in studio

Price : NOK 6000 / €600

Includes about one hour with my signature style studio setup, and a minimum of 5 digital full size files.

Corporate session with single portraits and studio setup

Price : NOK 80000 / €8000

Priced for a maximum of 8 people. This session lasts for a full day, and will normally include multiple sittings per person.

Classical artistic nudes in studio or in nature

Price : NOK 7000 / €700

Includes two hours in a studio or outside in nature, and a minimum of 10 full size digital files. For ideas and inspiration have a look at my blog page for classic artistic nudes (Be aware! These photos may be considered NSFW in some countries and/or companies).

What about TFP?

I do TFP sessions from time to time. Contact me on FaceBook Messenger if you have questions about or suggestions related to TFP sessions.